Can smart bots bring immense fortune?

The future is even closer than you can imagine. You can transform the technologies into real profit. It is a good chance to catch up your competitors. You can do all this with the help of smart bots.  Even a couple of years ago, it was hard to imagine working with such smart resources. It […]


Can smart bots bring immense fortune?

The future is even closer than you can imagine. You can transform the technologies into real profit. It is a good chance to catch up your competitors. You can do all this with the help of smart bots. 

Even a couple of years ago, it was hard to imagine working with such smart resources. It was possible and affordable only for those who had enough funds for business development. Nowadays, the situation has changed greatly. First of all, it is connected with the development of technologies. It has become quite easy to create a bot. There are many platforms available on the Internet that allow using and building smart tools.

This technology is quite new, so very few businessmen could pay attention to it. They didn’t pay much attention due to the fact that the technology wasn’t so widespread. There are several ways of how to transform smart bots into a profitable instrument.

Selling bot

The main idea of using such a bot is connected with the ability of the software to answer common questions. When people visit the page, they can use it to get necessary information. 

Undoubtedly, there are lots of other ways how can you share the information with the clients. You may have lots of documents on the website and tons of description. Nevertheless, it can be rather useless. It is so because most of the customers are lazy. They don’t want to complete difficult operations. They want to get everything at once. It will be much better to ask the robot and get the exact answer instead of looking for the right answer, clicking innumerable pages. When the clients ask and get the exact answer, they will probably be happier. It takes their time. Here are some examples how smart bots can become helpful in business:

  • How much is the delivery?
  • Is it available on Android/iOS?
  • Are there any discounts?
  • Can I choose another color?

Here are the simplest examples of the questions that can be answered via smart bot. You can write certain scripts to the bot to let it give the exact answers. You can also develop and support the product. Furthermore, you need to analyze the client’s requests. So, if you see the questions that are not available for the bot, you can add them. 

Important! Sometimes people understand that they are cooperating with smart bots, not with real people. They are even more satisfied with this fact. They can get the exact answer without any additional questions. 

Service bot

No matter how much experience you have in business, you can understand the simplest things. These things are connected with client’s communication. Companies spend much time and money to build this system. They need to employ a big stuff of managers to maintain the service. With the help of smart bots, it becomes possible to optimize the expenses. It is just enough to look at the most popular questions.

It often happens that managers are busy answering the same questions constantly. If you want to optimize it, you can add these questions in a bot. It will give some more free time to the support team to solve more important tasks. 

Training bot

When you have new members of the team, they need to be educated. They must understand the key principles of company work. This can be done with the help of smart bots. You can train the service to teach them how to start selling. Besides, you can also solve some problems with working on different resources, such as WordPress. In fact, you don’t need to have a mentor to teach new members of a team. It is much easier to use a smart bot.

One more fact about the bot is that it can be trained. So, when the clients ask questions that are unfamiliar to the tool, they can be easily added. Besides, it is possible to add some functions connected with multimedia. When a person asks something, the instrument can provide links to different resources and video hosting. It is much better than short, simple answers that are not always enough. One more advantage is that bits are working around the clock, unlike humans. They don’t need time for breaks.

Marketing bot

Understanding the key elements of the market is important. You must do unstoppable work for leading business. You need to control the audience by asking them constantly. At the same time, you must understand that people don’t like doing such things. They don’t like to participate in such research. Instead of it, you can ask a bot to do the following things. You can just put the smart tool to research the market.

People sometimes like more to communicate with the robot. It is a kind of entertainment for them. While doing it, you can collect necessary information for the company. You can even get more information than just using typical questionnaires.  

Fun bot

You face bots every day. Don’t believe it? We try to reassure you. Such instruments as Siri, Ok Google are the most popular examples of smart bots. People use them every day and don’t even think that they are communicating with smart bots. At the same time, people are tired of these things. They want to get something new. A new bot, created by your company, can become a real finding for people. If it is done well, people will find it amazing and entertaining. 

Sometimes, it will be even more exciting for people to use a new thing. If you add a piece of humor in your tool, it will be even more pleasant for users. You must find the way of how to drag people’s attention to your product.

Sum up

There are many ways of how to use the smart bot for the profit of the company. The main advantage of it is the chance to save money. You won’t need so many workers to perform lots of operations. Some of them can be done with the help of the smart tool. It will help you save up money, enhance the conversion level and attract new customers. 

These simple instruments are necessary nowadays. If you are engaged in e-commerce, you need to concentrate on many things. Some of them can be done automatically. Smart bots are the best choice for such operations. Besides, creating such instruments nowadays is not a problem. Several lines of code can provide a small tool for different aims.