The reasons of hating brands – why do people despise it?

People live in a high-tech world. It is full of various cultural approaches. It becomes quite normal nowadays to hate something. Hating brands is one of the approaches that is rather widespread. The reasons for it can be different. Some people experience indignation when they don’t get what they want from online stores, others are […]


The reasons of hating brands – why do people despise it?

People live in a high-tech world. It is full of various cultural approaches. It becomes quite normal nowadays to hate something. Hating brands is one of the approaches that is rather widespread. The reasons for it can be different. Some people experience indignation when they don’t get what they want from online stores, others are angry with the flight attendants or air companies because the flight was delayed. The number of reasons is extremely high.

Some people even swear that they won’t use this or that brand again. Besides, they can advise not to get in touch with it to their friends and relatives.

One of the main trends nowadays is the hatred to brand in social networks. It is the easiest way how people can express their anger and disappointment. Currently, brands are not only simple logos that mean the product, they have become cultural products. If the owner of the brand doesn’t care about the clients, it is a direct way to hatred. In fact, every brand must satisfy all the demands of the clients in order not to be hated.

Cool hatred

One of the most widespread kinds of hatred nowadays. It means that clients don’t want to get in touch with your brand at all. They prefer to find something more pleasant. In this case, the fight is over. The customers are not going to show the owner that they are dissatisfied. They don’t want any changes. The fight is over here.

This is a really swellegant approach. The most visible example here can become the competition among banks. If a big bank lost the trust from the clients, it becomes almost impossible to win it back. The customers will likely find another one, then return to the broken hopes.

Boiled hatred

Such kind of hatred is formed on the crossroads of aversion and contempt. This kind of hatred is rather weak. It is a kind of conversation when people just share their opinions about this or that brand. It is going to be rather harmless hatred. The only intention here is to warn friends and relatives that this kind of brand can bring no good to people.

At the same time, the worst thing here that such gossips are even worse for business than opened hatred. There can be lots of examples of such hate. For instance, public transport in some cities have become the object of jokes. It has become the object of memos. So, people don’t like it, but they can do nothing about it. The only thing is left is live with it peacefully.

Burning hatred

This kind of hatred includes three things:

  • Aversion;
  • Contempt;
  • Indignation.

When people experience this kind of hatred to your brand, they are not afraid to show it. They are ready to expose it in front of the audience. The majority nowadays can’t live without the Internet. It is the main source of comments and reviews. So, public opinion is formed with the help of the most active people writing this or that comment. Moreover, it produces the most terrible effect on business conversion. People are ready to believe a stranger than to test the product on their own.

The next moment that should be discussed here are the reviews that are extremely positive. It is also dangerous for brands. People don’t believe such comments as they can be written for money. They look rather suspiciously.

Seething hatred

This kind of hatred expressed by people seemed to be rather short-term. One of the reasons for it is the changes in the company. It looks the following way. People start hating the brand. The spoiled reputation is going to spread more and more, so the company decided to change its policy to please clients. 

When the customers show bad reaction to something, it is a sign to the company to contemplate the policy.

Are you ready to sacrifice financial items?

The last kind of hatred that can be expressed by customers is known as hot one. This is the most visible and hostile kind of hatred. People are ready to pay even more money just in order to ruin the so despicable brand. They are not ready to dive into details. When they were disappointed once, they are not going to change their minds.

At the same time, everything is not so sad for companies. According to the statistics, about 75% of customers are rather reasonable. They get used to certain companies and not going to betray them in order to find something better and express their anger. Nowadays, it is quite fashionable to be a reasonable consumer.

Such kind of indignation (can be called financial indignation) is rather widespread among young people. Adults are not going to subject anything to risks. They are more stable and reasonable while concerning the purchase ability.

At the same time, it is not always enough for a brand to change policy. People want to get something more. It is much easier for them to demand something from the company, than to changer their buying behavior.

How to cope with hate?

Psychologists claim that one of the best reasons to cope with hatred is to avoid it at all. Some marketers say that people are hooked with brands nowadays. There are in fact two groups of people. The first group is so devoted to it. They are ready to buy things no matter how expensive they are. The other group are dissidents – they are ready to betray the brand if they find better conditions.

The key requirement for brands to avoid hatred is to be real. People usually like when they are treated fairly. They are tired of promises that will never take place. This is one of the ways of how to avoid hatred from the clients’ side.

The other thing is more complex. There are some people who live with it. It is a kind of job for them to use hatred. They are ready to despise everything they see. The most terrible thing here that it is not always true. The main recommendation here for the companies is not to pay attention to such people. Though, it is not always easy. Even one bad word related to the company can ruin the business. There is always a person who can despise you and your brand. Even if you have thousands of positive comments, the only one bad can spoil the reputation.